Thursday, May 18, 2006


Vandread – The Second Stage Opening Song
Justice - くどう あき

fight for your justice ゆうき を だして
Fight for your justice! Show your courage.
right! この て に しんじつ を つかもう
Right! Grasp truth in these hands.
fight for your justice むね を はって
Fight for your justice! I want you as you fight through
たたかいぬく きみ が ほしい
with your head held up high.

タイヤモンド みがいて いる より
Rather than polished diamonds,
かがやける みらい を ちょうだい
give me a glistening future.
なに は なく と も get up スイッチ オン が かんじん
Even if nothing's there, get up. It's important to turn on the switch.
ゆずりたくない something new もとめる それ が せいぎ
There is something new that I don't want to yield. Seeking it is justice!

fight for your justice ほんき に なって
Fight for your justice! Be serious about it.
right! まっすぐ げんじつ に むかえ よ
Right! Face reality head on.
fight for your justice ぎゃくりゅう でも
Fight for your justice! I love how you never give up,
あきらめない きみ が すき さ
even if the current is against you.

あまい ゆめ いだいて いる より
Instead of embracing sweet dreams,
ほろにがい リアル を あげよう
fly toward the real ones.
と に も かく に も stand up マニュアル なし でも いい じゃない
Stand up! Many of us together will write what hasn’t been written.
わかりあえる さ you & I しんじる きみ が せいぎ
You and I help to understand that believing in feelings is justice!

fight for your justice ゆうき を だして
Fight for your justice! Show your courage.
right! この て に しんじつ を つかもう
Right! Grasp truth in these hands.
fight for your justice むね を はって
Fight for your justice! I want you as you fight through,
たたかいぬく きみ が ほしい
with your head held up high.

fight for your justice ほんき に なって
Fight for your justice! Be serious about it.
right! まっすぐ げんじつ に むかえ よ
Right! Face reality head on.
fight for your justice ぎゃくりゅう でも
Fight for your justice! I love how you never give up,
あきらめない きみ が すき さ
even if the current is against you.


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